Step 1: Setting Up
- Download the extension from chrome web store.
- Enable the extension.
Step 2: Authenticating
- Make sure you are logged in to your reconwithme account.
- Click on the extension icon in the top left corner of the screen.
Step 3: Extension's dashboard
- Extension's dashboard shows a option to select target.
- Pick a target from the list on which you want to enable authencated scanning.
Step 4: Setting up authentication
- After selecting a target, a new tab opens with the target website.
- Press Record on extension after the website loads.
- Navigate to login page of the website, then fill the credencials and submit the login.
- After finishing the login, stop the recording and click on "Save Record" button, to save the authencation process.
- Next time you scan a target, this method is used to authencate and mentions session throughout the session and scan deeper.
Important notes
- Use the extension on a freshly Installed browser or on a browser that has been used before.
- Don't use saved password, or copy paste your credencial. You will have to type your credencial to let the extension records it.
- Login page cannot contain 2fa, if it does, you will have to disable it.
- Login page cannot contains a captcha, if it does, you will have to disable it.
- If you have entered cookie string on target info, this method of logging in and grabbing session cookie is ignored.